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Adopt A Grandparent On National Grandparents Day

Adopt A Grandparent On National Grandparents Day

Age UK is offering young people the opportunity to befriend an older person in their community.

Emma Rosemurgey

Emma Rosemurgey

If there's one thing we know for sure, grandparents are precious and we should appreciate them while we can.

This Sunday marks National Grandparents Day, but as we as we all know too well, some people aren't fortunate enough to still have grandparents to spend the day with.


With nearly half of people over the age of 75 living alone, loneliness is a huge problem among our older generation which is why Age UK is inviting young people to befriend elderly people in their community.

There's something so special about spending time with older people and listening to the stories that they have to tell so why not make an elderly person smile this Grandparents Day by befriending them.


Age UK says: "We all know what it's like to feel lonely, but did you know that nearly half of all people aged 75 and over live alone? One of the ways you can help is by volunteering to befriend an older person in your area.

"When you volunteer to befriend in your community, you will be matched by your local Age UK with an older person, who you will visit in their home or call to offer friendly regular conversation while building lasting companionship."


The scheme will pair each young person with a younger companion, offering them the chance to make a difference in their community while working as part of a wider, friendly team.

As part of becoming a befriender, volunteers are required to complete a recruitment and matching process. The process can take up to eight weeks but is often much sooner, and of course the rewards for both parties are worth waiting for.

Once matched, befrienders will usually be asked to call or visit the older person they are matched to on a regular basis regularly. This could be something as little as a phone call or even just a half an hour visit each week.

For more information head to Age UK.

Featured Image Credit: Pexels

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