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Woman who went to rest and died minutes later will save other lives after donating organs

Woman who went to rest and died minutes later will save other lives after donating organs

Geraldine O’Sullivan died last year after a fatal bleed to the brain, she is now saving lives after donating her organs.

A woman who simply went for a rest and tragically died after a bleed to the brain is now saving lives after donating her organs.

Geraldine O’Sullivan died at the age of 65 last year after a fatal bleed on the brain as she complained about a bad headache.

Before her death, Geraldine agreed to donate both her kidneys and liver once she had passed away, something that will subsequently save lives.

Geraldine's husband, Patrick, 67, said: "Geraldine’s death was a shock to everyone as she passed away so suddenly.

"The day she died, we were out shopping all day and when we came home, we decided to have a cup of tea in the garden.

Geraldine died at the age of 65 last year.
NHS Blood and Transplant

"It was then that Geraldine started complaining of a bad headache, so I got her some tablets, and she went to rest on the sofa.

"Minutes later I saw her having a seizure and she fell off the sofa, so I called 999 and within 20 minutes the ambulance arrived and whisked her off to Cardiff Hospital."

A CT scan at the hospital revealed a catastrophic bleed on the brain, with the pressure from this causing a second bleed.

Tragically, the bleed was inoperable - though Patrick did get some comfort after his wife's death.

The couple signed up to NHS Organ Donor Register many years prior and were both adamant they wanted to be donors if possible.

"I remember being in the hospital and on the shelf was a leaflet for organ donation. I took it that someone was telling me something and I had to make sure that Geraldine got her last wish," Patrick said.

"We have found comfort in knowing her organs were donated – Geraldine worked in a hospital, she was a caring person and she helped someone right to the end."

Patrick finds comfort his wife was able to donate her organs.

Geraldine was able to donate both her kidneys and her liver, with Patrick pleased he was able to carry out his wife's last wish despite all the grief he was suffering himself.

He is now encouraging others to to agree to honour their loved one's decision after they die.

He said: "Do it. Do it. If your loved one has expressed that decision to donate, make sure that they do it. Having joined the NHS Organ Donor Register all those years ago, we knew it was what Geraldine wanted and what the family wanted. It’s nice to know there are people out there alive today because we were willing to honour Geraldine’s organ donation decision."

Featured Image Credit: NHS Blood and Transplant

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