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This Is What The End Of Saturn Retrograde Means For Your Mood

This Is What The End Of Saturn Retrograde Means For Your Mood

If you've been feeling stressed about making big decisions it could've been because Saturn was in retrograde, but thankfully it is over.

Mark Cunliffe

Mark Cunliffe

The Saturn retrograde came to an end on Thursday, and if you haven't already noticed a change in mood, it is definitely on it's way.

Saturn is a symbol of both adulthood and limitations, and luckily the planet of responsibility went direct on the 6th September, liberating us from old patterns that no longer do us good.

When Saturn is in retrograde, it demands extra caution surrounding our goals, accomplishments and sense of responsibility.

Wikipedia Commons

This means that from April most of us have been double checking our work, overthinking major decisions and meticulously plan for the future.

These effects can mean that those of us who are more impulsive are walking on eggshells.

In comparison, those of us who already show characteristics of overthinking could have been even more stressed and worried about big decisions, as well as lacking confidence during the retrograde.

Saturn retrograde arrives to teach us the value of reviewing and although it has now ended, you probably would keep this habit up, as you have learned how important it is, and realised it is a good idea.


The planet is currently in Capricorn, which is a comfortable spot for it to broadcast its message. It creates a sense of order that you can live with for the long haul, even if that means tearing down and rebuilding the structures that currently govern your actions.

Saturn will be in Capricorn until 2020 so we will all feel its effects for a while.

Now the retrograde has ended, you should be able to see the hard work pay off that you have put in since April, which is always a good thing.

Hopefully, the stress of double checking and meticulously planning should start to calm down, although it is a good idea to keep some of those habits up.

Things also slow down so that we can re-evaluate our karmic patterns. The things we struggle with the most are actually karmic tests we must endure in order to fully evolve which helps us to gain more freedom.

Featured Image Credit: Wikipedia Commons

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