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This Dark Conspiracy Theory About 'The Holiday' Will Shake You To Your Core

This Dark Conspiracy Theory About 'The Holiday' Will Shake You To Your Core

We didn't see this fan theory coming. To be honest, we don't think anyone did...

Lisa McLoughlin

Lisa McLoughlin

I must admit, I have probably watched The Holiday at least 50 times (and dare I say it, sometimes outside the holiday season).

And with every watch, a warm and fuzzy feeling materialises in me, the kind of feeling that one - who is a sucker for an uplifting and heartwarming story - can only liken to an internal hug.

But imagine if The Holiday wasn't so joyous after all? What if that warm and fuzzy feeling I get is a ruse and the cinematic catnip was in fact a metaphor for death? Apologies - that got dark real, real quick.

Well, writer Dana Schwartz has taken a deep dive into the beloved Christmas rom-com and suggested that the festive flick has a rather sinister plot twist simmering under the foundations of Rosehill Cottage.

Schwartz' theory? The two main characters, Amanda (Cameron Diaz) and Iris (Kate Winslet), are in reality dead for the majority of the movie. Well, more in a state of limbo.

In an article for Entertainment Weekly, she explores the moment that a heartbroken Iris returns home to her cottage after finding out that the object of her affections, Jasper Bloom, is engaged to another woman at the office Christmas party. Nice one Jasper.

A fan theory suggested that Iris (Kate Winslet) is in fact dead and in a state of limbo. (
Universal Pictures)

Believing she can't go on, Iris turns on her stove, blows out the flame, before inhaling the gas. Thankfully, the wedding journalist quickly snaps out of her despair and lunges towards a window to take in fresh air.

It is at this moment, she gets a message on her laptop about switching homes with Amanda for the holidays.

But before Iris' encounter with her stove, viewers see Amanda, based in Los Angeles, kicking her cheating boyfriend out of her home (as well as chucking all his belongings out of a window for good measure).

Iris contemplates suicide in 'The Holiday' (
Universal Pictures)

As her anger grows, the film editor pauses and says in a moment of panic, "I can't breathe". It is at that moment that Schwartz says death looms over the two women before fate intervenes and gives them another shot to understand their full potential in a limbo of sorts.

Stick with us here.

The theory suggests that Amanda, played by Cameron Diaz, is in the same alternative universe. (
Universal Pictures)

But Schwartz asks, "what if these two women, thousands of miles and several time zones away, shuffled off their mortal coils at the same time, and their souls became entangled, presumably due to their complementing themes?"

The writer adds that the dynamic duo, "have unfinished emotional business to resolve, and so the fates have ordained that they get a bit of time, a holiday, if you will, to sort themselves out before they're able to move on."

In the case of Iris, this means getting over emotionally-vacant Jasper and falling in love with Jack Black's fun-loving Miles while Amanda finds everything she's been looking for in a committed partner with book editor Graham, played by Jude Law.

Iris's 'aha' moment comes when she rejects arrogant Jasper, who has flown across the globe to get her to pander to his ego, and for Amanda, it's when she cries for the first time since her parents got divorced.

The writer suggests Arthur Abbott (Eli Wallach) too may be in the same post-death universe. (
Universal Pictures)

Schwartz also includes Arthur Abbott, the elderly gentleman that Iris befriends in LA, in this theory.

The writer suggests the screenwriter (Eli Wallach) too may be in the same post-death universe as Amanda and Iris, since all three characters need a do-over of sorts before moving on, a chance to heal their wounds and find their perfect partners.

Well, that's that fan theory. Perhaps, there's a more possible upbeat one?

Featured Image Credit: Universal Pictures

Topics: Christmas, TV News, TV Entertainment