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​'Hailey Dean Mysteries: Dating Is Murder’ Looks Like 'Marcella' Meets 'Baptiste'

​'Hailey Dean Mysteries: Dating Is Murder’ Looks Like 'Marcella' Meets 'Baptiste'

Hailey Dean goes looking for answers when people using a dating app start going missing.

Lauren Bell

Lauren Bell

We do love a good murder mystery...which is why we're excited for this Hailey Dean Mysteries film that is coming to Channel 5.

Dating is Murder is the third from a series of movies based on the Nancy Grace novels to air on the channel, which originally aired on Hallmark back in 2017.

Now it's set to appear on terrestrial TV on March 1st though - we can all get stuck in.

Kellie martin plays Hailey Dean (

The movie centres around Hailey Dean (Kellie Martin) - as do all the mysteries in the collection.

Hailey used to be a criminal prosecutor, but wanted to find a way to help people so instead swapped jobs to become a therapist. However, Hailey still cannot help herself when it comes to looking into crimes and although now a therapist, she still gets stuck into criminal cases.

It sounds a bit like Baptise, which sees a retired police officer still hunting down killers, with a bit of Marcella thrown in - a show about female British police detective who works on cold cases and is a law unto herself.

Hailey Dean Mysteries is based on a string of novels by Nancy Grace (

This however is a film (albeit part of a series of films) and sees Hailey trying to discover the truth over a string of unsolved disappearances - all which seem to tie into the same popular dating app.

Hailey puts herself on the case with help of detectives Danny Morgan (Giacomo Baessato) and Fincher Garland (Viv Leacock,) as well as her adventure-adverse boyfriend Jonas (Matthew MacCaull).

Thanks to her past as a prosecutor and her current job as a therapist, she has a brilliant ability to read people, which helps her with the case.

Things sound like they're set to get dark though, when Hailey struggles to get help from the dating app creators, so goes undercover to meet users of it instead.

It all gets really real for her when she realises the app has put her friend Sabrina in danger and now she's got to risk everything to save her.

Sounds like a gripping weekend watch.

Dating Is Murder will air on Channel 5 on Sunday March 1st at 1:35pm.

Featured Image Credit: Hallmark

Topics: TV and Film, TV Entertainment, Channel 5