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Channel 4's 'Celebrity Snoop Dogs' Starts This Month – And Its Like 'Cribs' But With Dogs

Channel 4's 'Celebrity Snoop Dogs' Starts This Month – And Its Like 'Cribs' But With Dogs

Not to be dramatic, but this could well be the best show we've ever seen.

Joanna Freedman

Joanna Freedman

If you're a dog lover, we might have just discovered your new favourite TV show.

Introducing Celebrity Snoop Dogs - Channel 4's new series, which is basically a mash-up of Cribs and Through The Keyhole, but with a barking mad new format.

The idea is that mystery celebs fit their dogs with Go-Pro cameras and then let them roam around the house as normal.

We don't know who the stars are at first. All we see is what the dogs show us from their homes, as we're given a pup's-eye-view on all the action!

This show is like Cribs... but with an injection of cuteness (

The idea was dreamt up during lockdown, and quite frankly, it's genius.

Essentially, the pups act as a film crew while camera men aren't allowed to enter their owner's homes.

With pooches taking control of production, we're given the opportunity to eavesdrop on some private conversations, dig out who know's what from under the bed and sniff out all sorts of A-list secrets.

And, hey, we're pretty sure no Channel 4 production staffer wouldn't have been granted the same privilege!

Given the fact they're all top secret, we can't yet tell you about the famous dog-parents taking part in the show - but we do have some info about their pups, so you can make a head start on guessing.

This protective doggo is ready to reveal secrets about its owner (
Channel 4)

There's a black Shar Pei, who is nicknamed the "phantom pooer" and is known for being such an integral part fo the family that it even sits at the table at dinner time.

Then there's "Little Monster" - a real city dog, who gets stressed when she's out of the hustle and bustle for too long.

This 'Little Monster also has a famous owner (Channel 4)
This 'Little Monster also has a famous owner (Channel 4)

And we can't forget about the adorable rescue Lhasa Apso, either. This pooch loves nothing more than to getting involved during its owner's gym time, and even sitting on top of them when they're doing pushups.

This pup's favourite activity is going to the park (
Channel 4)

We'll leave you those clues for you to ponder.

Sean Doyle, Deputy Head of Features and Formats at Channel 4, said: "I didn't want lockdown to stifle creative conversations and Celebrity Snoop Dogs is a perfect example of a reactive and outside of the box commission.

"We've come up a wonderfully ridiculous spin on filming in lockdown that only Channel 4 could get away with.

"We hope families enjoy playing along whilst getting a healthy dose of doggy mischief and celebrities' lush properties and home interiors."

Get your four-legged friends at the ready, looks like lots of doggy mischief awaits.

Celebrity Snoop Dogs will air weekly on Friday nights at 8.30pm on Channel 4, starting Friday 26th June.

Featured Image Credit: Channel 4

Topics: Celebrity Entertainment, Celebrity News, TV News, TV Entertainment, Channel 4