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Apple Announces New Emojis Including Vaccine, Coughing Face And More Inclusivity

Apple Announces New Emojis Including Vaccine, Coughing Face And More Inclusivity

Apple is taking a more inclusive approach with its new batch of emojis, which includes more diverse skin-tones and gendered options.

Joanna Freedman

Joanna Freedman

Apple's new emojis have now been announced, ahead of its IOS 14.5 update.

Launching in the spring, the tech update is set to feature 217 new emojis in total, including a bunch of never-seen-before additions and some revamps of old favourites, which have been made more relevant and inclusive.

New additions include a broken red heart with a bandage over it, a discombobulated looking emoji with spiral-eyes and a red heart which is on fire - all pretty reflective of the bonkers time we're going through right now, tbh.

Three of the new emojis in the spring update (

Also incoming is an emoji of a person exhaling (which looks suspiciously like a cough to us), as well as an emoji with most of its face covered by mist, or clouds.

There's a smokey faced emoji and one that appears to be coughing (

In a bid to increase its representation, Apple will also be introducing male-presenting and female-presenting emojis with beards.

Beards will be available on male and female presenting emojis (

Plus, romantic offerings, such as the emojis we already have (depicting couples kissing and couples with a heart in between their heads) have now been given an upgrade, and there will be an option to pick interracial couples, same-sex couples and gender neutral couples, as required.

The romantic emojis have become more diverse (

About time, too!

Apple is also keen to promote safety in its update, adding a helmet to the rock climbing emojis.

It's safety first with helmets in the new update (

Furthermore, in light of the worldwide vaccine effort, the syringe will now be full of a more palatable blue liquid, instead of red.

The syringe is now less graphic (

Of course, the brand couldn't help but sneak some self promotion in there, too, updating its headphone to reflect its latest model of AirPods Max.

The new emojis will be available to preview in full later this week, and will land on phones during a software update this spring, the technology company has confirmed.

In recent updates, inclusivity has been at the heart of Apple's emoji updates, with last year's addition featuring a hearing aid, a guide dog and a prosthetic leg as well as cultural references, such as a piñata and a matryoshka doll.

Unicode is actually in charge of emojis, rather than Apple itself, although the brand still makes many suggestions ahead of each update, based on public demand.

Featured Image Credit: Apple

Topics: Technology, Apple, iPhone