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We Can't Wait Much Longer - How Many Days Until The Evenings Are Light Again?

We Can't Wait Much Longer - How Many Days Until The Evenings Are Light Again?

Hang in there - the nights are getting lighter. This is exactly how many days until you can arrive and leave work in daylight.

Amelia Jones

Amelia Jones

If you remember daylight, then you might remember birdsong and the feeling of the sun on your face as you did your daily commute. But don't worry. It might not seen like it right now, but the days are getting gradually lighter and it won't be long until you're having a post-work drink in a beer garden and complaining about how to find summer clothes that are office appropriate. Trust us.


But we want to put an exact figure on it: how long will it really be until the evenings are light enough to have a post-work social life again?

The sun will set at 5.30pm as of this weekend. And we're willing to call not walking home in complete darkness progress.


By mid-March it will be light until 6pm. Time for a swift one in a beer garden? Probably not quite yet and you'll still probably need your big coat and a scarf. But you might not need the torch on your phone to walk safely down alleyways.

Spring equinox falls on Wednesday, 27th March this year. That means the sun crosses the earth's equator and that means days and nights are the same length.

Spring has sprung! We can almost hear the lambs-a-leaping up to the loft to get their warm-weather clothes out. Treat yourself to some vitamin D and a pair of espadrilles (unless it's raining, which is likely).


38 days until the clocks go forward. You know what that means: British Summer Time is here.

There are just 55 days until the sun sets at 8pm. That's about two months. So from Wednesday, 17th April 2019 you'll officially be able to have a post-work picnic in the park and walk home without stepping in dog poo (unless, you know: rain).

94 days until the sun sets at 9pm - if you really try you might even get to go to bed when it's light outside - and that's giving us all the primary-school nostalgia.

120 days until the summer solstice. Cue moaning about sweaty bedsheets, melting makeup and third-degree sunburn.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

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