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Mercury Is In Retrograde Again - Here's What It Means For You

Mercury Is In Retrograde Again - Here's What It Means For You

Old ghosts will be coming back to resolve past issues, and we'll need to decide if we want that old energy back in our lives or not.

Ciara Sheppard

Ciara Sheppard

Things feeling a little... off? Can't quite put your finger on why you keep making mistakes? Emotions all over the shop? That'll be Mercury for ya.

The planet - the smallest and innermost of our solar system - is currently in retrograde, so you're bound to feel a little peculiar.

In astrology, Mercury is said to control our communication style, how we think, solve problems, communicate and use technology.

Mercury is the innermost planet in our solar system. (

When a planet is in retrograde it appears to be temporarily orbiting backwards instead of forward, and is thought to play havoc with all the parts of your life it controls.

Mercury is retrograding three times in 2019, the next of which takes place from 31st October until 20th November. So during this period, you can expect a few things to feel a little off; you might turn up for an appointment on the wrong day, totally misconstrue what someone has said, or make a decision that will come back to haunt you.

This is especially true of the star signs that Mercury rules such as Gemini and Virgo, plus the signs the retrograde cycle lands in: for the upcoming retrograde, this is Scorpio.

Tyla got in touch with astronomer Lisa Stardust to find out exactly how the upcoming retrograde will affect us, and what to look out for.

"The upcoming Mercury retrograde is going to make us all a tad paranoid," she tells us.

"Mercury will be backspinning in inquisitive Scorpio. We may feel like we have to put our detective hats on to understand others motives, as well as our own."

Things might be feeling a little off for Geminis, Virgos and Scorpios in particular. (

But Geminis, Virgos and Scorpio aren't the only ones to be affected by the retrograde.

"Tauruses will be zombied by exes because the retrograde will hit their house of partnerships. Leos will change their fundamental beliefs, or question them.

"Scorpios will be confused by the next direction in life that they are taking. Aquarians will shift career paths and reignite an old professional dream," adds Lisa.

"Old ghosts will come back to resolve past issues. It's up to us to decide if we want to have that old energy back in our lives, or if we want to move past it and evolve.

"Growth is hard, but essential. We may be tested by the universe to see if we have changed-it's up to us to make sure we don't get caught up in old and unhealthy habits/patterns. Also, don't make any financial investments or sign documents as they both may turn out to be faulty."

Stay safe our there, folks. It's going to be a rocky month.

Featured Image Credit: Pexels

Topics: Life News, Astrology, Life