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A Dad Has Gone Viral After Losing His Daughter's Hamster

A Dad Has Gone Viral After Losing His Daughter's Hamster

You can't keep blaming yourself, Daniel.

Lauren Bell

Lauren Bell

A dad has gone viral over a missing hamster thanks to his sweet and pure reaction when losing it.

We all know how attached we can get to pets, but this dad's texts apologising to his daughter about losing the rodent is literally the funniest thing we've seen today.

Steph Veerman had gone off to university at Emmanuel College in Boston, USA, leaving her dad, Daniel Veerman in charge of her pet.

But after putting him in his exercise ball, the clever hamster, Chester, managed to escape, leaving Dad Daniel bereft, texting his 19-year-old daughter worried sick.

And now she's shared them on Twitter and they have gone viral.

Steph's tweet read: "My dad took over my hamster once i went back to college and ended up getting really attached and today he escaped and this goes to prove how truly pure my father is".

The text was attached to some screenshots of the dad's texts. And some read: "Oh my God I'm so sorry honey I'm so sorry I'm looking everywhere".

"I'm so wicked sorry I'll keep looking all day," he continued, paired with a crying emoji.

To which his chilled daughter replied: "dad do not freak out it's just a hamster!! we will find him".

Later he also comments that this is his "biggest screw up ever".

He says in another text: "I'm never going to forgive myself if he doesn't come back...If I can't find him today I'm not going to work tomorrow so I can find him".

To which Steph replies: "Dad- he's just a hamster i don't blame you at ALL. you shouldn't skip work you are a lawyer and he is a hamster".

Which made us really LOL. What a guy Daniel is.

In an attempt to find the little guy, Daniel laid out Chester's "favourite" treats including peanut butter to try and entice him home.

And luckily for distraught Daniel, later, he found Chester safe and sound back in his cage.

The family hamster is now back safe and sound (

He said to his daughter: "This was the most stressful day in my life since I took the bar exam".

Literally this man's heart is pure gold and we just can't even.

Because the tweet had gone viral, Steph chose to share the good news of Chester's return with Twitter which delighted avid followers of the thread.

Welcome home Chester!

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

Topics: Pets, Parenting, Twitter, Animals